Information for innovators

What types of innovation are we looking for?

Innovation can look like many things. You don’t need to be using the latest technology (although you may be), you don’t need to have a totally new idea (although it could be).  Your innovation may be something that has been done but in a different context, or an approach which draws on old knowledge and wisdom. You could be someone who is already working with young people, someone from a totally different background, or a young person yourself.


What matters to us is

  • You want to do something different – bringing fresh thinking and approaches
  • You are open to learning and challenge – this is an opportunity to tap into a wide range of skills, perspectives and expertise. So we’re looking for people who will make the most of that chance
  • You have a strong sense of purpose and are committed to having positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of young people in the North Auckland region
  • The innovation you are working on fits with the themes which we’ve designed with young people and the adults in their lives

Theme 1:
Prevention & Early Intervention

Innovations which help young people to stay well, or support young people who are beginning to experience challenges with their mental health.

Theme 2:
Supporting the Supporters

Innovations which support the people who young people turn to when they are having a hard time, (e.g. parents, whānau, teachers, coaches) so they can provide effective support to those young people and stay well themselves whilst doing so.

Theme 3:
Joining things up

Innovations which focus on removing the gaps through which young people fall: making sure all young people are supported in a way that is meaningful to them, and when they need it.

We are particularly interested in hearing for you if, as well as fitting one or more of the themes above, your innovation also meets any or all of the following:

  • It is informed by lived experience of the challenge you are seeking to address (or you are committed to ensuring lived experience voices are informing your approach moving forward)
  • It is complementary to what already exists, and you are open to (or actively seeking to) collaboration with existing services and group for system-level impact
  • It has the potential for greater impact e.g. it is scalable, replicable, and/or will contribute to deeper / wider impact through shifting mindsets, challenging what is possible etc.
  • The barrier to accessing the innovation or solution are low e.g. low cost, not requiring specialist equipment, accessible to those with disabilities, accessible to speakers of languages other than English.

If you are not sure whether your innovation fits or you have questions, please get in touch and we’d be happy to talk it through.

Learn more

Click here to learn more about what you can expect as a member of the innovator cohort.